A New Year | A New Camera

Well, it's been an exciting year so far, but challenging as well. Shortly before Christmas I bought a new camera, my first new one in 8 years. It's long overdue, and while I loved my Nikon D80, I also knew it was time to upgrade. My husband and I headed to Florida to spend the holidays with his family. We both had been working hard, and time in the sun with family was just what we needed. I used this break to open the box and put the Nikon D610 to test. With a new lens to go with the camera, it's a huge step up from what I've been shooting with and by the end of the week, I knew I was in love! 

Upgrading cameras also meant upgrading software. Sounds simple, right? Well, something went horribly wrong and my computer crashed. Over and over and over again. I spent a week trying to solve the problem before taking it to the local apple authorized repair shop. Two more weeks later, and they were still stumped. That's 3 weeks without a computer, a month since I took my first test shots. Nothing like this set back to teach me patience. But alas, the problem has been solved, Lightroom 5 installed and I can view my images for the first time. Like anything new, there is a learning curve and I'm anxious to master my new equipment as quickly as I can. 

Izzy joined us on our trip and of course, she was my first model. Here's a few of my favorites of her in Florida. Enjoy!


Who doesn't love a head tilt?


My mother-in-law's house is right on the water. The light at the end of the day is just spectacular!

A special moment between my husband and Izzy!