Beach Week with the Family!

Every year I look forward to Beach Week in Ocean City, MD with the entire family. We've been doing this since my nephew was a baby, and as the family got larger, so did our accommodations. We started vacationing in Rehoboth Beach but outgrew that house quickly. Now we rent a house on the boardwalk amongst all the activity Ocean City offers. It's a much needed week of rest, relaxation and fun times with my parents, siblings and nieces and nephews. It goes by all too fast and as quickly as I packed, I drag my feet when it comes time to pack up and go home. This year was no different. The kids are getting older, and before we know it, they'll be off to colleges, new jobs, etc. So we all treasure this time. For me it's rejuvenating to catch up on sleep and take a break from work. Someday I dream of living near or on a beach permanently. There's just something about the sand in my toes, the wind in my hair and the sun on my face. It's hard not to feel happy. I love the green lushness of Pennsylvania, but definitely could use more sun that we're accustomed to here in central PA.

Of course, anywhere I travel, my camera bag comes along. It's fun to look at photos from the years before and see how much the kids have grown. And editing the photos the days after our return makes me feel like I'm still on vacation. Here's a few from this year. 

he cousins always have a good time together. While we all live in Pennsylvania, work schedules and life keep us too busy to get together often. 


How cool are these kids??


My nephew Sean will be a teenager on his next birthday! Wasn't he just born yesterday??


My niece Emily gets more beautiful every year!


Riley has always been a ham for the camera! She's lost a few teeth since I saw her last!


My niece Lexi is always on the go, fitting to share a photo of her running!


 Lexi adores my husband. She's called him Uncle Deevee since she started talking. So now we call him that too!


My parents enjoy their time with the grandkids. This is the only week the entire year that we all spend time together. 

Too many years went by without a family photo. So now we round up the entire gang one night and get a group photo. I know these will always be some of my favorite photos. 

I'm already counting down the days until next year's Beach Week! It can't come fast enough!