Project 52: Week 13 - Backlighting

I love images that are back lit, so this was a great theme for this week's Project 52! There's just something so dreamy and ethereal about the light at the end of the day, otherwise known as the golden hour. Here in State College, it's hard to find a location where you have that kind of lighting since we live in a valley surrounded by mountains all around us. For instance, my house is at the bottom of Mount Nittany, where we have 1 hour less sun light at the beginning and end of each day.

When I discovered this park last year, I was thrilled to see sunsets from here! I captured this image of Izzy last fall and can't wait until the spring to shoot more during this magical time of day!

Next up is Tara Sutherland, Tara Sutherland Pet Photography of New Zealand. Be sure to visit all the links in the blog ring until you get back here!