2017 Goals

Having been a business owner for over 25 years, one thing I've learned is how important it is to have a business plan. The more detailed, the better. So when I officially opened Trina Bauer photography last year, I wrote out a plan and was amazed at how much of my list I accomplished. I didn't meet all of my goals, but that's ok. It gave me some challenges to work toward in 2016.

As this year winds down and I reflect on where I was a year ago, in some ways I've exceeded my hopes and in other ways I don't feel like I made much progress. Ah, such is the journey of any young business. 

Looking ahead to 2017, there's no doubt it's going to be an interesting year. My husband and I have had to face some tough challenges recently. This has forced us to think about making some big changes in our lives. We don't know where or how our future is going to shape up, but we know we're definitely in for quite an adventure! It all starts with an extended trip to Southwest Florida in early Jan. I'm really excited to be spending most of my winter in the sunshine state! If you missed my blog post explaining why, click HERE. It's more than just about escaping the cold and snow!

My trip to Florida will allow me to focus all of my time and attention on my photography business. I'm really looking forward to it! I've got lots of goals and plans I've been wanting to make happen, but sadly, I just haven't had enough time to follow up on them. So to make the most of this opportunity, over the last several weeks I've been busy writing out an extensive and detailed business plan. You'll see some new products offered, more blog posts (I'm planning on blogging 3x/week!) and a declaration to work toward earning my CPP (certified professional photographer) degree! Mostly though, I'm anxious to get my camera in front of your fur babies! The role pet sitting plays in my work life will be changing so I can get out and photograph more! 

It's going to be an exciting time! Bring on 2017!!