Hundreds of cats and dogs find homes!

Guys, I am so excited!! The final numbers for cat and dog adoptions at PAWS for 2016 just came out! Over 300 dogs (337 to be exact!) and 512 cats found forever homes last year!  I'm so proud to be a part of this wonderful organization! They do such a wonderful job placing the animals in the right homes so they don't get returned and have to be re-homed. They also have a fabulous fostering program which is so vital for so many pets especially ones who don't do well staying in a kennel. They have an awesome team of volunteers, who by the way recorded over 46,000 hours of volunteer hours to take care of these animals.

I love photographing the cats and kittens of PAWS. I hope that my photos help our feline friends find a forever home faster so we can help even more homeless animals. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed going over on the weekends because I have so much work to do, but I always pack up my gear and make the effort. Not a single day have I regretted it. It's so rewarding spending an hour or two helping those who cannot speak for themselves. Knowing I got a good shot that reflects their best self that will hopefully attract that special person or family to bring them home forever makes it all worthwhile.

Here are a few of my favorites from 2016. If you would like to volunteer at Centre County PAWS, visit their website HERE to get started! I promise you won't regret it!
