Now booking spring sessions!

Winters are my slowest time of the year at work. So it's the perfect opportunity to get things done on my to do list. And that includes sorting and culling photos I took last year. Which means deleting all the bad shots. I generally prefer to keep up with this, but inevitably it's hard especially during the warmer months when I'd rather be out shooting instead of sitting in front of my computer.

The advantage to looking at thousands of photos in a short period of time is that I can identify my strengths and weaknesses as a photographer. Taking note of what I'm doing well and where I need to improve helps me grow as an artist. The other thing I noticed is how much I shoot during the fall months and how little I shoot the rest of the year. While fall is certainly a spectacular season here in central PA, I also happen to think spring is as well. Especially after several seemingly long months where the landscape is bleak, colorless and blah.

The early signs of color when the earth is awakening is a sight to see! I really look forward to watching the crocuses, snowdrops and hyacinths break through the ground. Seeing hints of green as the shrubs and trees start to blossom is a reminder that life has come full circle yet another year. Even though my allergies kick in, it's a small price to pay to enjoy nature's beauty. 

If you've been thinking about setting up a photo session with the fur kids in your life, why not consider this spring season? In case you need a little encouragement, here's a few shot from previous years. 
