Moyer Jeweler Display

I’m constantly brainstorming ways to market my photography business. From using social media, writing this blog, designing a website to networking with other businesses, I’m always looking for ways to get my name as a pet photographer out there. So when I had this idea a few years ago, I thought, nah, they’ll never go for it. But why not create a B2B relationship with Moyer Jeweler and display photos of PAWS cats in their windows during the month of June, Adopt A Shelter Cat Month. 

So last fall, I suggested my idea to Lori Moyer and she was on board with it! I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, in addition to being a volunteer, Lori and her family have been huge supporters of PAWS for a long time.

I called Lori back this spring and we made a plan to make this happen. My ultimate goal is to bring more attention to some of the cats who have been at PAWS for a while and help them find forever homes at long last. I also wanted to showcase photos that have more personality than what I capture for the website. I gathered a few props, got some more backdrops and set a date for the photo shoot. This was going to be a lot of fun! 

Everything came together and I couldn’t be more excited about this. The display runs from June 3 - June 30th. If you have a chance, head downtown and check it out for yourself. I can’t thank Lori and PAWS enough for their support in making this happen. I hope by doing this, we can help make at least one kitty’s wishes come true!

Moyer Jeweler's downtown State College
Moyer Jeweler's downtown State College II
Moyer Jeweler's downtown State College III
Sweetie tabby rescue cat
Sunny orange tabby shelter cat
Frannie's kittens Moyer Jeweler display