What happens after your photo session?

You’ve spent weeks, months or perhaps years planning for your photo session with your pups. It’s been exciting thinking about this – hoping Mother Nature will put on her best show yet, the dogs will be on their best behavior and the photos will be even better than you dreamed! Finally, that day has come. And what a memorable day it was! The pups enjoyed their adventure, hanging out with you, exploring a really cool location, and getting all kinds of attention. Oh, and course, lots of treats! You struck your last pose, the dogs are pooped, and it’s time to say goodbye and head home.

What happens now?

Well, for starters, you and your furry family members will probably get home and crash. After all, being photographed zaps a lot of energy out of everyone. You’ve done your part, now it’s time for me to do mine and work some magic.

I know when I photograph my own dogs, how excited I am to go home and look at the photos.

As much as I want to share the images with my clients right away, the next step does take some time.

First, I download all the images to my computer and back them up. A day or so later, I go through them, deleting images that aren’t worth keeping. Ones that are out of focus, or if we were photobombed by a passerby, or simply a not so attractive pose. Then, I’ll go through the remaining images and pick out the best of the best. If I’m being honest, it’s usually too many, so it’s not uncommon for me to need to walk away for a day or so and come back to narrow that down even more. In the end, I’ll select anywhere between 20 – 40 images that I deem “keepers.”

Now, I begin my post processing. Every single image I take has some editing done to it. Especially since most of my clients’ dogs cannot be off leash for fear of them running away. I start out with basic edits will usually consists of adjusting highlights, shadows, contrast and cropping.

Finally, I put together a slideshow with the edited “keepers” and set it to music. Now, they are ready for my client’s reveal session – when we get together again and they see their images for the first time. It’s always a fun occasion! I love seeing their reactions and they love creating artwork they will display using these images. Once I know which images my clients love, I make final edits and prepare them for printing. Finally, when the artwork is finished, they are hand delivered by me!

If you’d like to learn more about a pet photography session with your furry family member, click here.

duck tolling retriever mix dog with pink azalea flowers