Project 52: Week 27 - Favorite Toy

Well, we're at the 1/2 way point of this year's project 52. Hard to believe it's already July! I'm having fun, I hope you're enjoying it too! This week's theme was a blast - capture a pet having fun with a favorite toy! Izzy, being a golden retriever likes to chase balls, especially tennis balls, but I wouldn't say it's her favorite toy. She also likes to play tug of war with a rope toy, but again, probably not her favorite toy. Whenever I get the hose out to water the flowers and landscaping, she follows me crying until I l squirt her with it. It's hysterical! When she was a puppy, she would run as far away from the water as she could. I bought her a baby pool and I had to get in it too in order to get her to play in it. But now, it doesn't matter if it's cold, rainy, hot and sunny, she cannot get enough of playing with the water. She likes to "catch" it in her mouth and chase it as I squirt the hose all around the yard. It's a great way for her to get exercise, as long as you don't mind the scent of wet dog afterwards! I love watching her have so much fun, especially when I remember how much she hated it at one time!

Here's a few of my favorite images of her playing with the hose recently. Enjoy!

Next up in the blog ring is Cleveland Pet Photographer, Photos by Erin S. Be sure to click on all the links until you get back here! And have a happy and safe 4th of July!!!