Choosing a location | State College pet photographer

You’ve decided on a custom photo session for your fur-baby, and have booked a date. Now, where to have the session? Choosing a location is one of the most important decisions you will make. Choosing a backdrop to tell your fur-baby's story can make or break your session. Here are a few tips to consider.

  1. Pick a place that is special to you and your fur-baby. Do you spend weekends hiking parks in the area? Does your fur-baby like to swim in a creek and explore the surroundings afterwards? Do you have a beautifully landscaped yard and pool where you and your fur-baby spend countless hours hanging out? Picking an environment that your fur-baby is comfortable in is very important.

  2. Consider the personality of your fur-baby. Is she older and unable to hike for long distances anymore? Is he an adolescent with boundless energy? Is your fur-baby ok with other people and pets nearby? If your fur-baby gets upset or scared around other pets, then picking a place where other dogs are likely to be, would not be a good idea. If your fur-baby has health issues, then picking a location where we need to hike for ½ mile to get to is probably not in your fur-baby’s best interest. Have fun and be creative! Does your fur-baby like to run errands with you and end the afternoon with an ice cream cone treat? Then, let's incorporate that into your session!

  3. Photography is all about the light. What the time of day your session will take place will also affect the location you choose. I shoot mostly outdoors on location using natural light. The best time to do this is early in the morning, from sunrise until about an hour after sunrise, or evenings, during the last hours of daylight, usually about 1 ½ hours before sunset. If it’s an overcast day, we can do the session any time of the day. If you would like to do the session indoors in your home, then mid-day on a sunny day is best.

  4. Scout locations on your own. Drive around town and pay attention to places that draw your attention. If you think a place is perfect, take photos and share them with me. Look around and notice the lighting. Is there any shade we can work in? Are dogs allowed? Is it safe for your fur-baby? If I don’t think the location will work, I will let you know.

  5. Consider your pet's coloring. If you have a black lab, then choosing a place with a dark background won't work. If you have a white dog, then picking a place that is all white or very light in color isn't best either. Look for places with color that compliments your fur-baby's coat. Pay attention to textures and architecture. Don't be afraid to try something new and unique! You get to choose two locations for your session, so vary it up!

If you need suggestions, I will help you as we go through this process. And as always, if you have any questions along the way, please let me know. I want to make sure your session is the best it can be. After all, this is the story of your fur-baby, so let's get it right!